In 2020, Mandy began her role as a graphic designer at Canada Drives. While her primary responsibilities were centered around their projects, she also occasionally took on assignments for their affiliated companies, including Spring Financial. Her responsibilities predominantly revolved around designing static and video advertisements tailored for social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Additionally, Mandy designed responsive Google ad banners, company presentations, email newsletters, and blog headers.
In 2021, Mandy's role at Canada Drives underwent a temporary shift to a full-time commitment with Spring Financial. During this time, she played a crucial role in the company's rebranding and web redesign. Her dedication and hard work on this project later earned her an award. After successfully completing the rebrand and launching the new website, she continued her work in designing static and video advertisements for Spring.
In 2022, Mandy seamlessly transitioned back into her full-time role with the Canada Drives team. On rare occasions, she would still step in to assist with Spring Financial projects whenever her expertise was required.